Monday, December 17, 2018

Electric Edge 540 Final build log!

With a typical combat launch from the famous Allen DeVeuve, the Electric Edge 540 Combat plane flies! As expected at 37oz it is not a real barn burner but it will fly combat after some fine tuning. The best speed I could get with available props was 68mph no streamer (7.75 sec for 2 laps) and the battery was only good for 3 minutes.  I ran a 6S 1550mAh pack, 3548 900KV motor, 75 amp ESC, and a scimitar 9x5 prop at about 15000rpm.  After reevaluating the set up there may be room to get to 75 for a little over 3 minutes. Over all I am happy with the look of the plane and that the electrics are getting some interest – but they have a long way to go before they will be flying heads up with a .25ci nitro plane.  Lookout for the nitro version on your 6 in about 3 months, I need a break...

PS I moved the CG back on the FW190 - watch out for that one...

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